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Akemi Okamura

Tap on the Colossus Room

Compared with the other factions, the Courier Union is really quite a cozy place.

Sometimes, I really wish people from the Rediesel Wrench would think before acting.

The Courier Union, always delivers... most of the time.

Eclipsites... Where do they come from, and what is their purpose?

Kya is a simple and lovely little girl. I like her a lot! And she's really good at her job.

Don't worry. If the sky were to fall tomorrow, as long as Naroxel's still standing, we'll be fine.

I love reading while munching on tasty liver snacks.

Don't waste your life doing boring work. If you do, you'll end up becoming boring yourself.

This Colossus is different from the one in the Rediesel Wrench. Caelestite culture really is beautifully profound...

Interact with the Colossus Room

Hmm... Can it do anything interesting?

Change Assistant

You want me to stay here? Alright. Then I'll just continue reading... Work? Yeah, yeah, I'll keep an eye on things.

Battle Failed

Now, this is interesting...


This is boring.

Unleash Chain Combos


Sacred Python!

Active Skill is Ready


Enter the Formation


Aurorian Ascension I

I seem to have gotten stronger.

Aurorian Ascension II

My inner mind is zen.

Aurorian Ascension III

I feel knowledge flowing into my mind.


Hmm... I'm tired of reading books. Take me somewhere to do something interesting.

Upgrade Successful

Mmm, this feels great.

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

Knowledge doesn't just accumulate naturally with age. Don't forget that the path you walk is under your own two feet.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

Another one of the kids is looking for me? Whatever they want, tell them they're on their own. Don't worry, I trust them. It's not such a big deal, no need to stress!

... Huh? What was that? I was lost in this book and didn't hear you. Go ahead, I'll listen to you while reading. Uh-huh... Yep... I promise I'm listening.

So, you prepared all these resources here for us to use for free? You're such a great person, little Caelestite... Or perhaps I should instead say that we all love taking advantage of you too much.

I like new experiences. Traveling, reading, exploring the unknown, philosophy - fresh, stimulating experiences make me feel alive. On the other hand, boredom is like a living death.

I went to Eraveil once before you started rebuilding it. Confusion, desolation, dead silence... destruction. It makes me wonder—what's the point of progress?

Sacred Python has been imbuing me with a peculiar feeling recently. How can I explain it...? Hmm. Let me be uncharacteristically serious for once. It's the feeling that our journey here has not been for nothing.

I appreciate your neutral attitude and that you don't favor any particular faction's ideology. Chaos, class, despotism, conservatism... There's no need to pigeonhole yourself rashly.

You don't always need to take an active part in the drama all around you. Try sitting back and enjoying the fun of watching it unfold with me. You have no idea how amusing the drama of life can be. I know you'd definitely love it.

Come, tell me what you've seen and heard recently. You haven't done anything lately? Life has been boring? Don't say that. I like your little anecdotes.

I don't look like I'm from the Rediesel Wrench? I agree with you there. I haven't found a faction yet that truly suits me. And I like it that way.

I have a sharp tongue sometimes? Hmm... Who knows? Sharp or soft, my voice only repeats itself when there's an echo in the room. Listener beware...

Relationships... I don't really care for them. But I feel a little sad when I come across letters with no recipient that can only be thrown away.

Knowledge doesn't just accumulate naturally with age. Don't forget that the path you walk is under your own two feet.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

You're very diligent. Let me observe how you work.

Good morning. Hawk just returned. If there's any interesting news, I'll be sure to share it with you.

Good evening. Another day has passed in the blink of an eye. How time flies.

... Huh? Little Caelestite, you're still here? Perfect timing! While everyone is asleep, let's have some alone time.

Spring Festival Voice

Knowledge doesn't just accumulate naturally with age. Don't forget that the path you walk is under your own two feet.

Obtain an Aurorian

I'm Jeriah. You can cut the formalities with me. You're concerned about my two companions? Don't be afraid—like me, they like exploring new things more than fighting.

Receiving a gift

Thank you.

Let me see!

Receiving a preferred gift

Not bad, not bad.

It's really quite special... What do you want in return?

Release Active Skill


Light of illusion!


Whenever you're ready.

Aurorian Trivia I

I was born in the Rediesel Wrench, and my parents are... very liberal people. I'm grateful for their continued tolerance despite the fact that my personality is so contrary.

Aurorian Trivia II

My talent for Luminatics emerged accidentally. My parents started to realize that being stuck in the desert was holding me back, so when the time was ripe, I set off to travel.

Aurorian Trivia III

At first, I loved traveling, but the more I saw, the more confused I became... I started wondering, "What is the point of life?"

The Captain's Entrance

Me? Captain?