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Naomi Shindo

Tap on the Colossus Room

I love everyone in Lumopolis deeply, that's why I've chosen... to leave for now.

Rediesel Wrench... sounds like a very interesting place!

White Night up high.

I abhor reckless and evil deeds more than I detest the Eclipsites.

He has also changed a great deal over the years. Time has left deep scars on him...

Carleen is now able to take care of herself... She's stronger than I ever imagined she'd be. This brings me great relief.

I like organizing rooms. An orderly environment can heal the soul.

What do I dislike...? If you really must know, it's cilantro. It smells so strange.

Although the Colossus is indeed spectacular, adding some warm decorations could lend it a more lively atmosphere.

Interact with the Colossus Room

Stretching like this once in a while can help relax your body and mind!

Change Assistant

Although I'm no slouch when it comes to managing important things, with regard to this Colossus... Well, I don't have much experience yet. But since this is your request, as your elder, I will do my best.

Battle Failed

Let's try again.


Give and you shall receive.

Unleash Chain Combos

Radiant blade!

Lucent dance!

Active Skill is Ready

The sword's light graces us.

Enter the Formation

We can do this, together.

Aurorian Ascension I

I feel like I've remembered something.

Aurorian Ascension II

The power inside me is surging...

Aurorian Ascension III

Swords exist to protect everyone!


Have a glass of honey water—it works such wonders for relieving fatigue that you really can't afford not to drink it. Good children should always listen to the wisdom of their elders.

Upgrade Successful

I'm becoming stronger!

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

Happy New Year. Work as hard this year as you did in the last!

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

I'll miss Lumopolis' black tea, that's for sure. But who knows? Maybe I'll stumble upon another tea just as good elsewhere. Can't wait to see what's out there.

Wet weather makes everything sticky. That's why I prefer sunny weather—it makes everything seem in order.

That child, the one you call Mia. She's not very adept at expressing her feelings, but she always seems to open her heart to you.

Awesome sword, don't you think? It's not just for show, though. I'll hold it tight and stand up for as many people as possible.

Do you think my swordsmanship has improved? Haha, I think I'm beginning to regain the passion I once had. After all, I was even once on a par with a certain someone...

My wish, from long ago until now, has always been to protect everyone. Not just my family, and not just those friends from my hometown...

Some soothing light music can create a harmonious atmosphere. How about playing a few songs the next time we have guests?

What I love more than anything is seeing people smile. You also need to smile more, Navigator. Children who love to laugh will enjoy greater luck in life.

The outside world is indeed different from Lumopolis in many ways. Where should I set my next destination? Do you have any good suggestions, Navigator?

Even though the world may seem so destitute sometimes, there are always people trying to make it a better place, and I believe you are one of them.

What a mother truly hopes for is to see her children leave the nest and fly to wider skies. You've done exactly that. I'm proud of you, and I know your mother would be too.

The past is like a wonderful journey. I stopped at certain stations along the way, and after taking in the scenery, it was time to move on.

Happy New Year. Work as hard this year as you did in the last!

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Keep your chin up and work hard!

Good morning! Have you had breakfast yet?

Don't drink tea late at night. You might not be able to sleep.

It's late, you must be tired. Take good care of yourself.

Spring Festival Voice

Happy New Year. Work as hard this year as you did in the last!

Obtain an Aurorian

Shh, please don't call me Lady Joshua again. Didn't we agree on keeping that a secret? From now on, just call me Joshua, won't you?

Receiving a gift

In that case... I'll take it.

Such a lovely gift.

Receiving a preferred gift

This is a very thoughtful gift.

This gift... it's quite unexpected!

Release Active Skill

Sacred teachings, give me guidance!

Sacred guiding light... Glorious cleave!


Light of reckoning!

Aurorian Trivia I

Great ideals give me the courage to reach for the sky. Only the craven remains in place—I have no desire to indulge in self-doubt.

Aurorian Trivia II

Most people look down on the love between a noble and a commoner. I do not wish for him to face more resistance in his future governance due to this.

Aurorian Trivia III

If given the opportunity, I hope to visit her grave. After all, there seems to be an invisible thread between us... Yes, it is a thread of fate that connects us.

The Captain's Entrance

Allow me to lead the way.