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More details here Lorelei
Vintage Wine
50 Base Affinity50 Bonus Affinity
Valuable Gift. Best effect when given to Umbraton Aurorians. Only certain tycoons in Umbraton get an occasional sip of this precious libation.
Replica Painting
10 Base Affinity10 Bonus Affinity
Common Gift. Best effect when given to Umbraton Aurorians. Replica of different famous paintings. Popular in Umbraton.
Mounted Spikepede
10 Base Affinity10 Bonus Affinity
Common Gift. Best effect when given to Aurorians into esoterica. Famous for its odd appearance, this insect attracts collectors of curios.
Crystal Spine
50 Base Affinity50 Bonus Affinity
Valuable Gift. Best effect when given to Aurorians into esoterica. The crystallized spiky fossil of an unknown creature for the extremely curios collectors.