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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Detonator with insane mobbing potential.




+Powerful mobbing/bossing hybrid

+Flexible active nuke with potential screenwide targeting

+Impressive chain with huge AoE that jumps to targets

+Ranged normals improve mobbing and make her damage very consistent


-– Active Skill marks only lasts for 2 rounds, meaning you need good tiles on those turns to make the most of them
– Much of her potential as a mobber and bosser is locked behind Breakthroughs and Refinements
– Many, many alternatives that aren’t hugely worse than her
– Still worse than Reinhardt in every way outside of niche scenarios


Wrath’s alter was our surprise 2.25(?) exclusive unit, and she’s extremely strong albeit unspectacular. She packs a lot of AoE and good targeting options in her kit, making her an incredible mobber while still maintaining excellent 2x2 and 3x3 performance. Of particular note is that her ranged normals and the “jump” on her chain make her damage very reliable, even on lower-end teams with spread out conversion.

Despite her generally high performance, though, she doesn’t reach the zenith of the Thunder meta where her predecessor, Reinhardt, resides. While Reinhardt has a little less personal damage, her ludicrous team buff results in a vast gulf in performance between the two Grand Marshalls; in comparison, Wrath:PF is completely lacking in any team utility. She can’t even claim better mobbing than Reinhardt since Reinhardt has a strong Sniper chain and similarly flexible targeting through her air strikes. Further, Wrath:PF’s raw damage is comparable to Leyn’s, while her mobbing abilities are contested by both Eve and Requiem. Although she’s better than all three as a whole, the difference is small enough that Wrath isn’t a huge upgrade from any of them.

It's worth considering that both BT3 and MBT are notable improvement's to Wrath's mobbing and bossing abilities, enough to barely vault her into SS-tier. However, there are far more impactful investments over getting her MBT — even nabbing her easier to obtain BT3 is a matter of personal decision.