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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Supporter that converts dark tiles and applies her own version of poison



(S+ at BT3)


+Solid conversion gimmick that has amazing potential in the future

+Deals good damage thanks to her Immersion stacks

+Very flexible in team building


-– Desperately needs BT3 for both damage and conversion
– Cannot fully select which blue tiles are converted into Dark Tiles, which can lead to some issues
– Sometimes forced to choose between applying Immersion stacks or better Dark Tile placement


Rebecca is an incredibly strong unit who’s currently searching for the perfect partner to really make her shine. In many teams, she can be a great flex slot pick thanks to her combination of unique conversion and very good damage. Fully taking advantage of her Dark Tile gimmick takes some advance planning, but can be very powerful when done right. Overall, she’s kind of like a worse Azure, which isn’t a terrible thing to be. Her damage ceiling is just more challenging to reach due to the awkward mechanism for stacking her Immersion (which is basically a custom form of poison).

Keep an eye on her, though. If Water ends up getting proper support for Dark Tiles, she could end up going from great to absolutely busted.