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Her Experiences

When Navigator told me about Rebecca, it was hard for me to imagine all the pain and despair she had to endure. But fortunately, that's all in the past now. Rebecca and her older sister have opened a new clinic and visit the Colossus occasionally. Truth be told, Rebecca is an incredibly skilled doctor. Easily in the top three of all time in my mind! But what troubles me is how rarely she talks to people. She even keeps physical contact with others to the absolute minimum. I barely see her either. Her sister said Rebecca paid the price far beyond anyone could fathom in order to deal with the Black Wolves... She is supposedly still recuperating right now. I guess I still have a lot to learn from Rebecca. She is tirelessly treating patients even in her own recovery... From now on, I shall not skip my training even if I fall ill!

Her Story (I)

Svanedona is my family name. I still feel slightly sorrowful when I recall my life there. My father's smile, my mother's sweet kindness, the love and care from other family members... They are the most precious memories from my childhood. But on that certain night, everything I treasured was turned to ashes. You know about how Eleanor helped me escape to the slums in Umbraton, where I saw things I would never forget for as long as I live. I could never imagine before that someone would abandon their children for a moldy slice of bread... Others even sold their families into slavery. The treasure that I cherished was worthless in their eyes. To stop that from happening, I would provide simple treatments to them and offer food sometimes, but the effort was in vain... Then I realized you just can't reach some people and they will never be satisfied.

Her Story (II)

I had a dream...
I dreamed the Svanedona Family wasn't destroyed by the Black Wolves. Father was still busy caring for the patients, and mother still sent me delicious cookies and black tea when I got tired. Eleanor remained my faithful servant, and my sister still followed close behind me, day after day. If the dream was real, you wouldn't have met me in a crude underground clinic but in the bright, clean lobby of a spotless medical facility.
Please do not be concerned, for I am content with the life I'm living now. My sister and everyone else on the Colossus are keeping me company. I'll also treat ill patients to the best of my ability.
It's just that once in a while, I wish very much to see and chat with my family in a dream, then tell them my sister and I are living a good life, so don't worry about us.

Her Story (III)

What makes someone a real family?
There are probably many different answers to that question. Some believe bloodline is the only bond for families. That is what I firmly believed when I was little, until I discovered how naive that was. In Umbraton, self-interest and selfishness far exceeded the concept of family. So many atrocities and tragedies have unfolded before my eyes. The so-called "model families" envied by many not that long ago forsook their vows and chose betrayal in the face of temptation. Despite how coveted the bond between them seemed. A true family does not rely solely on bloodline or empty promises but stands by one another when the going gets tough.
I'm sure you're surrounded by such "family."

Her Story (IV)

One night, my sister informed me that she wanted to take me to live in Lumopolis. I didn't reject the notion on the spot. I just asked for more time to consider it. That request wasn't even necessary, since it is not practical for me to go to Lumopolis, Illumina, or Northland, when this is probably the best place for me. You know the toxin in my body has not been removed entirely. It may need a few years, or a dozen...
I will be seen as a threat and locked away wherever there's a strict quarantine, which may also impact my sister. I'm alright, that doesn't bother me at all. Wherever my sister is my real home. Of course, I count you as well.