Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel
A Dark Tile Favored Detonator that inflicts high splash damage on enemies
(SS (T))
+Amazing damage ceiling when paired with Dark Tile units
+Competent floor thanks to her high stats
+Mostly unreliant on Breakthroughs in dedicated teams
-– Weak spots can only be inflicted once per side on enemies, meaning she wants Dark Tiles to be contact points
– Limited team selection, really wants BT3 Rachel
– Generally inferior to other Thunder Detonators outside of Dark Tile teams
Tiare is a weird, but potent unit. On paper, she performs well enough to make most other units in the game blush, but in practice she demands a lot of specific support. Just to recap her kit, Tiare can inflict a “weak spot” on one side of an enemy after walking over a Dark Tile, which then needs to be broken by her striking the side with the weak spot to gain a huge damage boost. This means that she not only wants Dark Tiles, but wants those Dark Tiles to be placed as contact tiles so she can consistently apply weak spots to the desired target and then break them. It’s a tall order, and one that Thunder was ill-equipped to fill at the time of Tiare’s release, even with Chen’ni and Isa available.
However, with the release of Rachel, Tiare got a unit that synergized with her perfectly. Rachel not only gives Tiare the mass quantities of Dark Tiles she needs to hit her damage ceiling, but she does so on a low CD. Combined with Axelia, this makes it much easier for Tiare to get contact point Dark Tiles so she can both inflict and break weak spots.
So, where does that leave Tiare? Simply put, she’s a demanding but powerful character. The mechanism for inflicting weak spots can be frustrating without good planning, which means she requires more effect than other Thunder DPS units to get her to perform. She also needs a dedicated Dark Tile team to really thrive, which requires additional investment of time and resources. But if you can manage her demands, you’ll find a unit that rewards skillful gameplay like no other.