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Her Experiences

%s said that an Aurorian named Tiare would be visiting us on the Colossus today. Apparently, she's the leader of the Snow Fox Tribe in Northland. I was so full of anticipation that I spent all morning walking around outside, but no one ever came. All I saw were a couple of deer wandering in the snow. It was so weird! Usually, they take off as soon as they see me, but today they just stayed around the Colossus. Maybe they want to catch a glimpse of Tiare too?
Throughout the day, more and more animals gathered outside the Colossus. But even after it got dark, there was still no sign of Tiare. I figured %s must have gotten the time wrong, so I decided to go back inside. But just as I turned around to leave, someone jumped out of the huge pile of snow next to the door! It was Tiare, shaking the snow from her ears and looking very upset. I must've walked past that snow pile at least thirty times today!
In a huff, she asked me why I hadn't accepted her gift yet. She said it wouldn't be a proper visit if I didn't! As it turns out, Tiare was the one who gathered all those animals outside of the Colossus as part of a tribal Northland ceremony. Apparently, accepting the gift symbolizes the host allowing a visitor into their territory.
I fulfilled my part of the ancient ritual by letting a little bird perch on my hand. When I saw Tiare's beaming smile, I knew right away that we had just welcomed yet another interesting guest to the Colossus.

Her Story (I)

My grandmother passed away when I was only five or six years old. After that, I grew up under the snow fox elder's care... Huh? No, I can assure you that my life was anything but difficult. I spent every night sleeping on the elder's soft tail, and we ate our fill of ice cave fish every day... What's that? You've never had ice cave fish in the winter? It's even better than eating a huge pile of hazelnuts all by yourself!
As for my grandmother, I was too little to recall much about her... But I do remember she took us out hunting one time! That's right, she showed me and the other foxes how to hunt for prey! You'll never see another old lady as tall and agile as her in your entire life. Our job was to wait in a cedar tree while she chased our prey, and right when it ran underneath us—that's when we would pounce! After that came a quick snap, and then it was all over... What's with that look? I'm talking about breaking our prey's neck!
I felt sick after eating so much that night, but my grandmother ate even more than any of us. With one last burp, she fell asleep and never woke up again... Sad, isn't it? If she hadn't stuffed herself with so much food that night, she might have been with me till now. Then again... Without that monstrous appetite, she wouldn't be the same grandmother I've always known and loved.

Her Story (II)

Avalanches are one of the scariest things about Northland... Later on, when I learned the meaning of the word "calamity," I couldn't think of a better way to describe what happened to me one day. From the sky to the ground and everything in between, the world around me began to crumble and fall apart, and it dragged me down with it! Powdery snow filled my nose as the elder called out to me from above, but all I could do was swallow more snow...
That's when Her Majesty saved me. I had never seen anyone so beautiful in my life. Even the hoarfrost on the cedar trees couldn't compare to the beauty of her blinking eyelashes. At first, I thought I had died and was standing face-to-face with the goddess of my ancestors... The queen saved me and my fellow foxes, as well as our basket of fish—not a single one was missing when she handed them over to us. That was the day I decided to devote my life to Queen Bethlehem. I swore to follow her wherever she went, and unleash my spear on anyone who tried to hurt her! Which reminds me, my spear has a story of its own as well...

Her Story (III)

Don't try to hide it! You've been staring at my spear all this time! It's okay, you can take a closer look if you want. It's beautiful, isn't it? The queen modified it just for me!
Originally, it was just a simple, iron spear that got broken during that avalanche. I felt so heartbroken at the time... After all, it was my trusted companion through every day of my training as a hunter. So imagine my surprise when the queen returned it to me! My spear was as good as new, and not only that... It felt stronger. The tip was encased in ice and surged with the power of lightning, and it seemed to shift and change with each passing second... The moment I held it in my hands, I knew that its power was far greater than ever before. I also knew that I couldn't wield it as recklessly as I used to anymore.
The queen also reminded me that I wasn't a child anymore, and that I had a responsibility to wield this spear for all of Northland's sake.I obeyed her without question. That was the day I finally grew up.

Her Story (IV)

Even though I had decided to follow the queen for the rest of my days... I wasn't sure how best to devote myself to her. Sometimes I would lurk near her patrol routes to make sure she was safe. Other times, I'd run ahead of her and shake every tree in her path, so that the snow wouldn't fall on her head and hurt her. One day, when she was about to cross a frozen river, I jumped on top of it a few times to make sure the ice would hold... Unfortunately, the winter wasn't as cold as usual that year. So I plunged into the icy river, and the queen had to fish me out in the end... That was the second time Her Majesty saved my life. I also found out that she knew all about my silly antics up to that point.
And so I kept my eyes on the queen at all times... I see something in her, though I can't exactly describe it right now. Even so, as long as I keep watching her, I know I'll learn the true meaning of "protection" someday. Her Majesty wants to show me what it means instead of just telling me outright. She says I have to understand it using "this" part of myself. Can you guess what it is? That's right—it's my heart.