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Her Experiences

Batia is visiting the Colossus as a friend of Tech Officer Gronru, but I already know she runs the gaming arcade in Umbraton! She's been telling me incessantly, "Sorry to bother you." "I've been wanting to come because Madam Gronru talked about the Colossus a lot." "I hope it's not too much trouble to see %s in person." And stuff like that. Come on, %s is not some unapproachable celebrity. No need to be treading ice. So I cut to the chase and told her if she wanted to game with the Navigator, I'd go set up the Rec Room. But that only made her apologize even more... Did I commit a faux pas somewhere? However, once %s got here and started playing with her, she became very relaxed and spoke normally with sparkling confidence—how a business owner should be!
Gaming is indeed wonderful if it could settle Officer Gronru down and make Ms. Batia a great conversationalist!

Her Story (I)

I didn't expect signing up as a player here to be so hard, but I guess I can talk about my past. Hopefully, it won't come off as too embarrassing.
I was born to a demi-human family with a rare trait. Both my parents were marginalized members of society without a steady income and moved around very often. I was forced to live with relatives and take odd jobs that even a child could do.However, sunlight and temperature fluctuations were my constant enemies. Frail and small, even tightening a screw could leave me fainting, let alone anything strenuous. I couldn't find a job, not even a daily work... It was natural for me to be called useless. I didn't want to be a nuisance to myself or anyone else, so I stayed home whenever I could. I didn't have to eat much anyway, so I could live working just once in a while or even be unemployed.

Her Story (II)

To a homebody like me, fixing broken items and machines is a relatively easy way to make a living... It made sense for someone useless to work with junk, right? And that's how I ran across the first gaming console in my life. It was all but trashed, with obviously incompatible wiring, no plugs, and the power supply had been long stripped... Yet, it was love at first sight. It was definitely not a weapon and couldn't make toast, but it had many intricate buttons, joysticks, and ancient chips, so I thought restoring it would be interesting. It didn't let me down.
I started scrounging for similar discards. When I found one, I'd play the game on it dozens or even hundreds of times, just like when I fixed that first game machine.They filled the voids of my futile life, giving me the expertise to recognize the value in garbage and the world beyond odd jobs in Umbraton.

Her Story (III)

Some machines have simple features that save and upload the owner's records to the area ranking. That's how my user name, or the Alias B, would come to be known to everybody. I don't have any preferences, but I'm great with classic games like Candy Man, Bomb Guy, and... Tetrablox, only because that was my first game on my first console. I met Gronru because I beat her in Tetrablox infinite. I didn't expect her to see me in person, let alone a luminary in the Illumina Federation. She even complimented me on my reflexes and instincts as a natural-born gamer... That had never happened to me before, and I was thrilled and speechless. Anyway, we played some more Tetrabox until she couldn't stand the hunger and conceded.
I later learned that I might have been the first to beat her in the game.

Her Story (IV)

She introduced me to the circle of top players in Astra where I got to know pros like Odi. They were all superb and different from me... Then, the player running the shop decided to retire, and the rest either lived too far away or held regular jobs like Gronru. Me being unemployed was thrust into the position. I had no experience but didn't have the guts to turn down the chance to repay everyone... so I took over the operation and became the new chief of the Hidden Fangs. I was anxious at the beginning, afraid that I would ruin the whole thing. But Gronru calmed me by telling me it's an arcade, not a center for social development. Everyone is here to play games, and I'm no second-fiddle to anyone when it comes to talking about them. With support from her and other friends, as well as patrons like me who get excited just talking about the games, I finally made it! I'm even starting to believe someone as useless as me can become a better Aurorian and accomplish something meaningful!