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Kaori Ishihara

Tap on the Colossus Room

Umbraton's perfect for people like me, since Lumopolis blocks out most of the sun.

The Illumina Federation seems to be keeping a lot of old games as part of their ancient artifact collection... But how am I supposed to get a hold of those?

The shadow is watching you.

If only fighting Eclipsites were like Tetrablox, so I could gather them up in rows and wipe them out with the right block.

I'm not really one for social interactions. I'm only talkative when chatting about games with Gronru.

I want to learn a few techniques from Odi, so I can dig up and fix old game consoles by myself.

I could survive off playing games for the rest of my life. If I could only choose one game to play, it would have to be Tetrablox.

Crowded streets in broad daylight... Urgh, that makes me dizzy.

I wish I could stay in the Rec Room and play games all the time, but there are just too many people there...

Interact with the Colossus Room

Any new games in the Rec Room? ...I'm gonna go check later tonight.

Change Assistant

It's a little too bright in here, don't you think? Oh, fine... I'll keep the lights on, so I don't strain my eyes.

Battle Failed

I'll just reset and try again.


Whew, stage cleared.

Unleash Chain Combos

Full firepower!

Chain combo!

Active Skill is Ready

That should be enough stacks...

Enter the Formation

Me, against Eclipsites? Seriously?

Aurorian Ascension I

Ascension complete!

Aurorian Ascension II

Time to find a stage to test my new powers.

Aurorian Ascension III

Now I can clear even more stages with you.


Hey—I'm completely away from my game right now! If you ever wanted to beat me, now's your chance...

Upgrade Successful

Level up!

Voice Login

Welcome to Alchemy Stars.

Happy New Year! Don't be like me and spend New Year's Eve playing games... though I was just killing time while I waited for you to show up!

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

I... I like playing games. Every new player starts on the same level, and you can always reset if things don't go your way.

I know I shouldn't use my feet to pick things up from the ground... But my hands are usually too busy playing games.

My back feels so stiff... If only I had accepted Gronru's massage backpack earlier. Wait, you wanna give me a massage? Er, I don't think lying down is necessary though.

What kind of games do you like the most? Strategy games, fighting games, shooters, RPGs, or... I'm mostly into classic games.

The people of the past invented all kinds of mind-blowing video games, it's hard to remember them all. It must've been so fulfilling to be so spoiled for choice, even if there was no time to play them all.

Gronru once brought up virtual reality games. If games ever reach that point, I'm sure they'll be used for lots of things outside of gaming.

You want me to show you how to play this game? Well, it's kind of hard to explain, so let's just jump right in, and I'll teach you as we play.

*yawns* I'm trying really hard to adjust to your biological clock... That way, we can have more overlap during our wake cycles, right?

With you as my pillow, I bet I could sleep well even at night!

Running a shop is tough... But good thing there aren't a lot of gamers in Astra. I should be able to retire pretty early.

I'm fine with gaming, fine with competitions... but going on stage to get my awards? Absolutely not!

Some games are more fun when you play them with others. That's one of the reasons why I'm always at the arcade.

Happy New Year! Don't be like me and spend New Year's Eve playing games... though I was just killing time while I waited for you to show up!

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

*yawns* Oh, it's you... ngh. 's okay, I'll go back to sleep when you leave.

Hmm? Surprised to see me awake this early in the morning? Maybe that's 'cause... I never went to sleep.

Breakfast's still not ready? But I've been up for a while now.

... Okay, go get some sleep then. Need me to wake you up in the morning?

Spring Festival Voice

Happy New Year! Don't be like me and spend New Year's Eve playing games... though I was just killing time while I waited for you to show up!

Obtain an Aurorian

An exclamation mark has appeared! Quest loading... Hello, my name is Batia, and I'm the owner of the Hidden Fangs Arcade in Umbraton. Welcome to the gaming world!

Receiving a gift

Take your time and choose a proper gift.

Flag spotted...

Receiving a preferred gift

Affinity up. Great choice!

Looks like you found the perfect strategy.

Release Active Skill

Fits like a glove.

Leave no empty spaces.


Time to clear the board!

Aurorian Trivia I

As a bat demi-human, I strongly dislike the sun, and my arms and legs are too short for normal work... Basically, I'm naturally-born useless. I guess?

Aurorian Trivia II

Thanks to video games, I met Gronru. I was so shocked when she complimented my intuition and reaction speed... Maybe I'm not just a clumsy dork after all?

Aurorian Trivia III

Thanks to Gronru and some other gamers, I gave up my NEET life and poured my heart into running this arcade. My customers all turned out to be nice people too.

The Captain's Entrance

Game start.