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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Sniper with an AoE Active. Hyperspecialized for bossing.




+Insane ATK stat and Chain multipliers

+Active is an unusually strong Detonator nuke


-Still not enough chain damage to be competitive with Detonators against larger enemies

-Chain provides no mobbing advantages (unlike other Snipers)


Mythos is an example of how much of a damage difference there is between Detonators and Snipers against multi-tile enemies. Despite Mythos having 1.5-2x the base chain damage of almost every other character in the game, the fact that Detonators are multiplying their chain damage by 4x or more against larger enemies means Mythos cannot really serve as Detonator. That said, she has so much damage output as a Sniper that she's still very competent as one, and despite the recent snipers (aka Minos) proving to be much more capable than she is, she still a unit thats worth using in any given content where snipers shine.

Note that the optimal way to use Mythos's Active is to spam it whenever it's available and able to hit all the tiles you want it to. At MBT, it's also viable to hold off on using her Active to increase the crit chance on her chain combo.