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Her Experiences

"Mythos" ___ has been loved by animals since she was young, like a child blessed by the forest. She is proficient at using Forest magic to control plants. In that era, the kingdom was in urgent need of excellent soldiers, so Cynthia's superb talents were quickly discovered and appreciated by ____. That was how she became a member of _____ and fought against the Eclipsites to protect the kingdom.
After repairing and compiling the information we collected, we finally managed to obtain this file. Part of the information is unreadable due to age or intentional damage. Although we won't be able to fully understand the past of this Aurorian... this will help us to gain a deeper understanding of these "lost heroes."

Her Story (I)

To protect the forest and the land she loved dearly, ___ volunteered to participate in project "Silent Hunters" project. When the temperament of her other teammates started changing more or less due to the modification, ___ was almost completely unaffected thanks to her strong will. She managed to retain her kindness and integrity and led an army with her four teammates to banish the Eclipsites in the decisive battle against them. However, her kindness and integrity also troubled her. When she discovered that some of the Eclipsites possessed "wisdom" and "humanity," she tried to make fairer decisions... She even wanted to __ those Eclipsites.

Her Story (II)

___ did try to help the Eclipsites, but the Eclipsite she helped bared his fangs at innocent Aurorians elsewhere... She was deeply frustrated by this incident. She reflected on her stupid decision and became more cautious ever since, but she did not become resentful because of it... It could even be said that it seemed that she had lost such emotion. ___'s teammate used ____ to destroy the Eclipsites, giving all the witnesses psychological trauma, yet she calmly proposed to keep her teammate away from the battle line. As a result, the two got into a dispute, and the corner of ___'s clothes was burned by the flames.
*Those who receive the "Silent Hunters" modification must endure pains that are unbearable to ordinary people, as well as undergo an irreversible Eclipsite transformation of the body.

Her Story (III)

Cynthia was convinced that she needed an iron will to resist the corruption of the Darkflow, so she decided not to let anything shake her. She always believed that everything she did was for the best interests of the team. Once, she even privately suggested to ___, the most rational member of the team, to __ a teammate who was prone to losing control, but the latter rebuked her for being ruthless. She started to reflect on whether she had really lost her feelings but was never able to find the answer. When she learned that ____ wanted to eradicate them, Cynthia calmly proposed resisting against __ and __ with force. However, this proposal was rejected and caused a dispute. It was at this moment that she suddenly realized that the team had not been united for some time, and she was one of the culprits responsible for this. In the end, Cynthia sensed ___'s intention and readily took his attack.

Her Story (IV)

"Claymore"... I am well aware that he was ordered to "dispose" of us... because I had made similar suggestions to him a long time ago. At that time, I was thinking that since I could sacrifice my teammates for the unity of the team... then would I be able to give my life for the kingdom and that land... When the sword slashed into the crest, I found my answer. I have now returned to this still scarred land... And I hope I can fight for every living thing on it once again.