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Quetzal Handkerchief

Quetzal Handkerchief
A silk handkerchief with a Resplendent Quetzal pattern, embroidered by A Knight. In order to learn how to embroider the pattern, A Knight paid quite a price.
Thankfully, needles can't deal real damage to this armor.


A piece of cloth that A Knight always carries. Always floating in the air with him, it has questionable usage.
According to legend, when a nobleman was eligible to become a knight, the lord would hold a knighting ceremony for him. This piece of cloth looks very similar to the medal ribbon used in knighting ceremonies.


A blood-stained sword. The reason why it has been preserved intact remains a mystery.
"After that battle, the giant's blood didn't drain, nor did the Resplendent Quetzal come back." That was what he said when people asked him about the blood stain.