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First Encounter

Greetings to you, fair lady, may I present you a rose?Oh, seems like you won't fall for this cheap flattery. I'm ashamed.

Suitcase Climate

Sunlight eases people's mind and endows diamonds with glowing luxury. What a perfect occasion for deceiving.

To the Future

So what's next? The young lady of the rich, resolute and courageous as she is, disregards my humble beginnings and takes her possessions to elope with me. But then, I will leave her and disappear, forever.


A cigar would make a nifty accessory, and those gracious ladies would certainly love to see their lover to be a sight for the eyes. But ... no, thank you. I'd prefer my teeth unstained.


Good day, my lord. You're too kind visiting me, and I regret to receive you in a room of nothing.


Another beautiful morning arrives, and many beautiful things are about to come. I see people opening their arms, waiting to go to the ball, new clothes, new flatteries, and new glittering stars to come to them.

Bond: Morning

Good morning, my lady. I've prepared you fresh coffee, sandwiches, and this shiny diamond. Of course, I would never lie to you, this is a piece of cultured work. But look how it sparkles, how elegant, isn't it?


Would I have the honor to invite you for dinner? There's a banquet held by someone I don't know. Huh? A freeloader? No no no, I'd say it would be lavish of us if we don't enjoy it.

Bond: Night

Ruby Port, a beauty from Douro Valley.Em ... tastes as sweet as it smells.Believe me, it will make your evening unforgettable.

Hat and Hair

A decent gentleman will not let go of this. But be careful, don't let it tilt to your eyes. Eye contact is vital.

Hat and Hair

A decent gentleman will not let go of this. But be careful, don't let it tilt to your eyes. Eye contact is vital.

Sleeves and Hands

Although I'm not woman of guns, it's necessary to carry one. I'm sure you know the reason why.

Clothing and Torso

I don't dislike dresses. They are pretty, delicately embroidered, intricately sewed apparels. They are what I'm supposed to wear, not these trousers.Heh, destiny holds a different plan, doesn't it?

Clothing and Torso

I don't dislike dresses. They are pretty, delicately embroidered, intricately sewed apparels. They are what I'm supposed to wear, not these trousers.Heh, destiny holds a different plan, doesn't it?


Diddling, rightly considered, is a compound of which the ingredients are minuteness, interests, perseverance, ingenuity, audacity, nonchalance, originality, impertinence, and grin.


You have every virtue that belongs to a deceiver, yet you're a woman of honesty. I don't know if I should admire your righteous nature, or lament the waste of gifts.


If you want to, you're always welcome at my place. I will be here, with my cleverest scam, waiting for your arrival and, of course, an invitation to yours.

Chitchat Ⅰ

If my eyes serve me well, it's the "Bay of Light" this respectable young lady is wearing.Oh, don't worry, I won't do anything. She is of a background too prominent and an age too young for my tricks.

Chitchat Ⅱ

New Delhi? To be honest, I barely remember anything about it. It doesn't make much difference to England, aside from the scorching sun.


We are two of a kind, dear.We would employ every means possible to find out the truth we crave to know.We are very alike.


A crime group? Heh, just to my likings.


I don't like to resort to violence, but accidents happen.

Select Incantation Ⅰ

Glad to be of service, my lady.

Select Incantation Ⅱ

Intriguing, isn't it?

Select 3-star Incantation

A design of its own kind.

Select Ultimate

Time to wake up, gentlemen.

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅰ

Just as I willed it.

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅰ


Cast Arcane Skill Ⅱ

Sadly, these are counterfeits.

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅱ

Just like real diamonds.

Summon Ultimate

Fragrance and dazzle can easily confuse one's vision. I'm sorry for you.

Incoming Ⅰ

Tsk, watch my clothes!

Incoming Ⅱ

Damn it.

Battle Victory

Now, to divide the spoils ... Or should I say, a reasonable reallocation of the profits?

Battle Victory

Now, to divide the spoils ... Or should I say, a reasonable reallocation of the profits?


To its perfection, to its best clarity.

Bottom of Insight

Shush, my lady, let us enjoy this moment,this beautiful, short, enchanted moment.