Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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First Encounter

Aaaah! Sorry, I'm so sorry ...

Suitcase Climate

Sunshine?! I gotta stay away ... before the rashes get on me again.

To the Future

Emm ... I'm just a ghost, dead, no future ahead. I hope you can understand.Oh, I'm not judging your idea. They are very lovely thoughts ... perfect thoughts.


No ... don't! Where did you go? Oh my god ... Where are you? Don't leave me alone! Please ...


Welcome to my place. We can ... play together here.


I've made you breakfast, but it's all ruined by the seawater dripping off my sheets.This is just like the party I went to, so ruined ... Haha ...

Bond: Morning

Hi, what did you dream about last night? You were mumbling in your dream.I could barely hear anything even though I have moved very very close to you.


Listen! Did you hear that? The ticking sound of a clock.This ... this is too quiet, nobody noticed me, nobody looked over, I ... I ...

Bond: Night

Can you stay? Can we talk, just ... just for a while. Please look at me. But ... not for too long. You can watch me for 3.5 seconds, and look away for ... for 5 seconds. Then look back at me again.


I've made you breakfast, but it's all ruined by the seawater dripping off my sheets.This is just like the party I went to, so ruined ... Haha ...

Bond: Morning

Hi, what did you dream about last night? You were mumbling in your dream.I could barely hear anything even though I have moved very very close to you.


Listen! Did you hear that? The ticking sound of a clock.This ... this is too quiet, nobody noticed me, nobody looked over, I ... I ...

Bond: Night

Can you stay? Can we talk, just ... just for a while. Please look at me. But ... not for too long. You can watch me for 3.5 seconds, and look away for ... for 5 seconds. Then look back at me again.

Hat and Hair

It's always so wet, sometimes itchy ... What is this?!

Sleeves and Hands

Well ... I ... This is my finger, Ms. ...

Clothing and Torso

Are you saying ... people only have two legs? Ooh! But how did I get this leg? No. Wait! I'm trying to recall ...


Sometimes I would watch TV, those drama series were so great.And mom would bring me apple pie and soda. Um ... I really miss times like that.


You're totally far out! Even beat the most popular girls.


I like new sheets, or as long as it is cleaned. But don't take them off me, please.

Chitchat Ⅰ

I think I dig it ... I must have picked up an extra leg from the sea ... but I don't remember which one is mine, not to mention that I have picked up more than one leg ...

Chitchat Ⅱ

I looked up in the water, watching the last breath of oxygen flee in bubbles,then I heard ringing in my ears ...


I'm not pretty enough. I have thick legs and freckles.I'm not even close to being as pretty as those people on TV or as popular as other students.I like my bedsheet. It's great. It protects me.I will come out of my sheets when I'm less afraid, in near future ... theoretically ...


Woo ...


This is gonna be a haunted house.

Select Incantation Ⅰ

Sure, anything ...

Select Incantation Ⅱ

You're right ...

Select 3-star Incantation

This is special ...

Select Ultimate

Yes! This is my moment.

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅰ

Ha! See who's soggy too.

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅰ

Humph, humph ... Ha!

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅱ

Boo ... Wah!

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅱ


Summon Ultimate

Please look over here ... Ooh! No no no!

Incoming Ⅰ


Incoming Ⅱ


Battle Victory

Perfect ... They have noticed me, and ... and didn't stare for awkwardly long. I enjoyed this ...


Are you being sarcastic?No?

Bottom of Insight

What do you think of my beachwear? Does it look bad? Yes ... yes?