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The Fallacy of Idealism

Under the blooming linden arrowwood, there was a rough piece of rock which read "Genio loci ignoto" (To the unknown genius of this place). In 1933, Ascona, Southern Switzerland, intellectuals gathered at a round table and began the first Eranos conference in history.
Even now, psychology is still trapped in the cage of paradox and agnosticism: what cannot be comprehended through reasoning is unknowable by its nature, and human behaviors and mental activities are essentially uncontrollable because they lack physical properties to be determined or described like other substances.
Yet the Mesmers acknowledge the existence of such primitive mental energy. They believe it is visible, controllable and guidable. Through magnetic coils and guiding questions, the Mesmers can cure patients' mental diseases in their dreams without any physically intrusive treatment.
No one is more talented in this than Mesmer Jr. Her bloodline gives her outstanding ability and keen senses, which makes everything clear and intelligible to her.
But it also exposes her to the tide-like chaos: since the age of 12, she has never had any dreams.

A Plastic-covered Lab Logbook

8:30 a.m.
Need to disinfect again and change the alcohol in 2 hours.
9:00 a.m.
Disinfected again ahead of schedule and replaced the alchol with a new one. Shorter disinfection interval recommended.

New vertical medicine cabinets arrived. Size: 35×23 inches, distance between two cabinets: 0.78 inch.
Wrong distance between the cabinets. Must increase the distance by 0.25 inch. Do pay attention to the medicines' arrangement after moving the cabinets. Keep the labels outward.

1305 new member: arcanist.
Thank you. Already avoided the elevator on the right. P.S. Failure of the elevator on the left detected. Please use the fire exit and contact the janitorial staff after use.

Keep Your Distance

Mesmer Jr.: Please move one more inch to the left.
Pandora Wilson: ... Like this?
Mesmer Jr.: Close, but fine.
Mesmer Jr.: Please finish the interview as soon as possible. I need to disinfect the room systematically.
Pandora Wilson: I'm starting to think it is going to take some effort for us to get along.
Pandora Wilson: When did you start working in the rehab center?
Mesmer Jr.: ... 12.
Pandora Wilson: This job is not suitable for children.
Mesmer Jr.: It's not just about age. It was never going to be suitable for me.
Mesmer Jr.: Unless one day all the arcanists are gone.
Pandora Wilson: Then you and I will be gone, too.
Mesmer Jr.: Exactly, along with the source of my pain.