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First Encounter

I'm Door, an insignificant piece of a mirror. By nature I'm of no difference to my other 3587 siblings; but knowing you has made me different to them.

Suitcase Climate

Today is gloomy and somber enough as it is, don't let the cloud hang over you. Take a look at this, it may cheer you up.

To the Future

When the mirror was shattered, I broke off and lay scattered at where I am now. I shall travel through days and nights to seek the truth, to return to where I was born. Oh, wait. There is no such era of truth. That's right. No era is true ...


Em ... no one is here. Standing still, eyes on the target, start spinning ... Ahem, "the dart is going straight onto the bull's-eye!"


Hello, curious explorer. I hope what reflects in the mirror would bring you joy.


Morning used to be the time when I had to keep a low profile. Spoke no words and took no actions, just to be good at being a mirror. But now, I'm merely a fragment of what I used to be. You see, I was lucky to be freed from the life-long duty to reflect others' images.

Bond: Morning

The tides coming to the shore, Carbuncles in the woods opening their sleepy eyes, or the first light of morning shedding on a city avenue ... Which one of the sceneries better brightens your mood while you enjoy your breakfast?


A floating UFO lamp, a radio unwilling to talk, a wooden horse comes from a great bloodline ... they are all real, living on the other side of the mirror, at somewhere under this sky. They are so lively, so honest and benign.

Bond: Night

Try ending your long day with a milk bath and clearing your mind in the tub. I promise, you will wake up feeling in top form in the next day.

Hat and Hair

I can feel your eyes. Now, if you give off a smile, you'd find yourself being smiled at too.

Sleeves and Hands

Oh, please be very, very careful. I don't wish to see more of the unnecessary bloodshed on any scale.

Clothing and Torso

While you gaze your reflection in me, I gaze back and see my own reflection in your eyes.


All these frames in the world! Although they don't belong to me, I'm deeply enchanted by their caring nature, or say, their carrying nature.


"Mirror, mirror, who is the most exceptional one of all?" "Oh, this person is, right before me. Behold, the reflection of the embodiment of virtues and manners."


It's my pleasure to reflect your look day and night, when you are resting and working. The companionship goes both ways.

Chitchat Ⅰ

Sorry to bother you with this, but please attach this piece of note to my back. Yes—it says "no entry." I have to find a way to stop those fanatics from getting passed through me to that "world in the mirror."

Chitchat Ⅱ

Yes, please decorate me with the things you like. I think I can handle different colors, glittering ribbons, or some scorchingly warm lightbulbs. Having them around me would smooth my sharp edges and thaw my coldness, and give me a touch of warmth and festivity.


A sophisticated mirror would know what can be reflected and what cannot.


Oh, are we fighting ... balloons?


My enemy is fighting their enemy's enemy.

Select Incantation Ⅰ

Mind the shards.

Select Incantation Ⅱ

No way, the door says.

Select 3-star Incantation

This is poetic, don't you think?

Select Ultimate

Wholeness is only a matter on the surface.

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅰ

Sometimes, seeing is not believing.

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅰ

Hidding within the cracks.

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅱ

The secret of reflection.

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅱ

The reader of the light.

Summon Ultimate

I see—a million suns!

Incoming Ⅰ

Worry not.

Incoming Ⅱ


Battle Victory

They have witnessed their failure with their own eyes ... though it was too cruel to be my intention.


The view in the mirror has become the reality ... or it seems that way.