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Blurred Over Time

Youth—the youth of an era, the youth of the entire United States. The boys danced to Jackson while the girls donned cotton headbands, clashing wristbands, and rainbow stockings. It was a world of twisting, shaking, and sweating on both sides of the television screen.
The new house her parents moved to was also on this vibrant stage—or rather, on a spinning roulette wheel. Wealth was the hand that spun the wheel, spinning it into a blur of color. As for the secret base in the hushed forest, the cool, placid lake, and the huge, ferocious monsters of her fantasies... these gloomy hues were swallowed up by more brightly-colored variants until eventually all she could see was a mottled mass.
It's okay, don't worry. They haven't disappeared.
They just became part of that mottled blur.

Dorm 402's Message Board

September 13

Blonney, you there?
You remember Professor Michaels moved the film class to this afternoon, right?
I'm going over with Dani.
You dummies, I'm in the second row.
Did you really sleep right up until the class?
I was out doing aerobics this morning, heading over in a bit.
You can leave the missing person posters at home next time.

September 18

Dear Blonney,
I have two movie tickets.
Would you like to put them to good use with me?

For you, Blonney.
Do me a favor and tell your "dears" that I'm not your secretary!
Thanks! Here's a tip for all your hard work.
(A $20 bill)

September 19

New party tonight at 8, ladies.
I need to buy a new handbag, and you guys should also think about wearing something nice. Meet me at the mall at 4!
We have an art history exam this afternoon, Blonney!

Emerging Director

Pandora Wilson: What made you choose your major? I know you love cinema and I've heard stories about your stubbornness.
Pandora Wilson: But I'd like us to discuss something deeper, a reason.
Blonney: Oh... okay. It's simple, I think I have a gift.
Blonney: You can't deny that if you've seen my design drawings. I don't want to waste that gift.
Pandora Wilson: Every Arcanist knows that those "gifts" whisper in the crevices of their spine late at night so as not to be forgotten.
Blonney: Exactly.
Blonney: It tells me not to bury myself, not to let the world lose my buried monsters, or they'll regret it for the rest of their lives.
Blonney: So, when those sandwiches were put in front of me, I threw them out.
Pandora Wilson: ...
Pandora Wilson: I admire your ambition.
Blonney: You'd also admire my abilities.