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Bubble Glasses

Bubble Glasses
A self-made glasses which symbolizes the owner's wish for a better future. "The big and small rings are like the people holding hands. It could be you or me, my friend!" Given the unusual design and the meaning behind it, this pair of glasses always catches people's attention before its owner does.

Spring of Inspiration

Spring of Inspiration
A variety of containers for bubble solutions of all colors. Since the interviewee insists, we will just call them "the Spring of Inspiration from the Great Muse."

"The Path of Ideas"

"The Path of Ideas"
An extremely simple iron badge. When we talked about it, it was hard to feel the usual gloom on the interviewee; instead, I could easily sense the radicalness and courage under his calm surface.


A shiny tin protractor, its scales precisely calibrated by experts. The muse of inspiration doesn't arise out of nowhere; the larger the angle at which the world is measured, the greater the gains.

Unconventional Drawing Compass

Unconventional Drawing Compass
Its function is to provide interesting shapes to inspire ideas not bound by the mundane, as opposed to regular circles. Only when an object is stripped of its role in creation does its artistic value become worthy of discussion.

"Manus Vindictae"

"Manus Vindictae"
An amorphous hand, originating from a place of change, represents another possibility for the current state of affairs. The hand reshapes not only his appearance but also the way he sees the world. "Paint everything blue; a whole new art movement!" proclaims the artist.