Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Yuka Iguchi

Tap on the Colossus Room

Rediesel Wrench took me in and accepted me unconditionally. For me, that's home.

Those Lumopolis guys are always confusing us with those mobs. How annoying.

For Ruby!

People are sometimes more scary than Eclipsites. The sinister desires of the human heart can be difficult to comprehend.

Ruby's been by my side since I was a little girl. Without her, I wouldn't be who I am now...

Jona's my lifesaver and she still looks out for me. Sometimes, she even treats me meals!

What I love? What's with that question? Are you looking to surprise me?

Yikes! Don't just pop up from behind me like that! My heart nearly stopped!

Ruby would be over the moon if she could have the Colossus... How much are you willing to sell it for?

Interact with the Colossus Room

Keep your hands off Blazing Epee! It's a highly sophisticated weapon.

Change Assistant

Stay here with you? I wasn't expecting to hear that... Well, I guess it can't be help. I'll stay.

Battle Failed

I've failed...


That was expected.

Unleash Chain Combos

Time to dance!

Blazing Epee!

Active Skill is Ready

Target locked!

Enter the Formation

Watch me.

Aurorian Ascension I

More power!

Aurorian Ascension II

I can feel my blood boiling!

Aurorian Ascension III

I can feel the heat...


Wake up, don't sleep here. At least put some more clothes, or you'll catch a cold...

Upgrade Successful

I feel lighter...

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars!

It's the New Year, and every new year should come with a hot pot! The kind that's filled with loads and loads of meat!

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

Here, help me collect the materials on this list before the next battle. What... Don't look at me like that. I'll send you a copy of the finished sample.

Food on the Colossus is pretty good. Nutrition balanced meals every day, and occasionally buffet... You should eat more meat and exercise more. That way, you'll be able to take on the Eclipsites on your own.

You're not slacking off, are you? Have you done everything? Don't look away... Hey!

When I first got my hands on Blazing Epee, it was just a slightly larger-sized ordinary pliers. It took me two years to make it what it is now. Isn't that amazing?

There are so many interesting types of ancient machines. If I could one day invent a new machine, I'm sure to be hailed as a great inventor.

With this power, I can better protect Ruby. But, it's not enough... I want to be even stronger. Strong enough for her to rely on...

I'm only helping you out of pity, plus there are a lot of fascinating techs here... I'm definitely not trying to get along better with you!

Why are you coming near me all of a sudden? So it's a fine distance for friends? I–I didn't say we are!

Feeling tired? Take a break sometimes. You don't have to work so hard. What's with that look? You're surprised that I care? I wonder what you think of me...

You've been staring at me nonstop since a while ago. I'm going to have to charge you next time.

Have you seen Ruby? She's always had a penchant for adventure, but I'm worried she may be in some kind of trouble.

Meat♪ Meat♪ Yummy roast meat... Whoa! You–when did you get here?!

It's the New Year, and every new year should come with a hot pot! The kind that's filled with loads and loads of meat!

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Finally! What took you so long? I don't miss you! I just need someone to help me!

Yo, it's rare to see you up early. Got any equipment to repair? I've got nothing much to do currently.

After dinner, it's time for fun. Maintaining a work play balance increases one's efficiency.

Early to bed and early to rise makes for a healthy body... But it's just a reminder, not that I care.

Spring Festival Voice

It's the New Year, and every new year should come with a hot pot! The kind that's filled with loads and loads of meat!

Obtain an Aurorian

I'm Rouge, Rediesel Wrench's top-notch inventor. If you're going to throw me a party, prepare me your best grilled meat. Ahem, speaking of which... is Ruby here?

Receiving a gift

A gift for me? Why?

It's fine, I guess. I'll take it.

Receiving a preferred gift

I... I'm not falling for something like that.

Thank... No, forget it.

Release Active Skill


Aiming... And ready... Fire!


Locked and loaded!

Aurorian Trivia I

Parents? Who needs them? If it wasn't related by blood, there's no way I'll admit to any relationship with them. Thanks to them, I've only got unhappy childhood memories to look back on.

Aurorian Trivia II

I have no faith in gods because I've already found my savior. Ruby rescued me from the dark and led me into the light. I'd give anything for her...

Aurorian Trivia III

Rediesel Wrench's pretty laid-back, right? Even someone like me fits right in. It's just... They always make fun of me for following Ruby around...

The Captain's Entrance

I'm absolutely the best!