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Her Experiences

For some reason, just looking at Ms. Hiiro makes one quiet down instinctively.
We all know that Ms. Hiiro is an especially serious person, her gaze resolute and domineering. She acts resolutely and swiftly without hesitation, and seems to have had a katana the same height as her since she joined the Illumina Federation. I was lucky enough to see her draw her katana and swing it, with sakura blossoms and Zakura appearing next to her as she swung it. It was such a gorgeous and dreamy scene. She is also in charge of the third legion of Gannon City. I still can't believe that such a powerful and outstanding dreamlike figure would suddenly ask to visit our Colossus...
Someone in the know has revealed to us that Ms. Hiiro has come here to uncover a certain mystery...

Her Story (I)

What do you want to ask? As far as I know, you're one of the people in charge of the Colossus, so I'll answer your question if you want me to.
Gannon City is a great place, rich in outstanding resources and intel. The Queen is a powerful existence and the best leader. She promised to help me and gave me my scabbard, Crimson Shade, so to show my gratitude, and to pay her back for her assistance, I will do my best to contribute to Gannon City and the entire Illumina Federation to repay their kindness. However, it is indeed the case that I cannot stay there forever, even though I don't want there to be any changes.
Don't get me wrong—I don't dislike that place, it's just that there's a mission that's been waiting for me to complete; I have seen too many things disappear, and I kept reminding myself not to worry about it. Either way, since I'll have to leave one day, I'm not used to developing strong bonds with the people around me...

Her Story (II)

I can tell you about the meaning of my name if you're interested...
I received the strictest education and was required to abide by codes of justice and morality. I was taught to be confident and daring in my actions, to possess an indomitable spirit, and to be highly skilled in martial arts. They said I should be virtuous, graceful, and honest, and that I should protect my reputation. I was also told to restrain my selfish desires and complete my mission. These things have been built into my bones and are the creeds I follow.
I want to die in a way that matches the brilliance of summer flowers, but the ironic thing is that sakura blossoms don't survive through summer... That's why my master later named me Hiiro.
I now await the day I shall see that destined holy land. My flame will die out, and the early snow will fall. Everything shall wither one day. I am already prepared for that.

Her Story (III)

I hope you don't mind if I tell you a story about another family on Cloud Mountain in the Far East—a story about the Sakae Family and my master, Sakae Shigeo, who was the last sword soul master of the Sakae Family. The Eclipsites attacked us at the place where we were temporarily staying. My master and I did our best to cover the retreat of the nearby residents, but my master was dealt a serious wound that he could not recover from. He entrusted me with his power and mission, leaving me this Sakae blade... I don't think it's a simple matter to accept all facts and beliefs. As the last soul of the Sakae Family, he faced everything with patience, integrity, and calmness. He sacrificed in a fire. He entrusted everything of the Sakae family to me, and I have engraved this in my heart so that I'll never forget.
From my point of view, my master has just left for the opposite shore before me. His destination is where we will all end up when our lives eventually end.
However... rather than getting entangled with the future, I rather make my current wishes come true.

Her Story (IV)

During our constant travels on the Colossus, I am sometimes reminded of some stories of the past. This story took place in a land far away and is about the Sakura Family that no longer exists.
The members of this family were bathed in sakura blossoms when they were born and had a short and limited time in this world. To maximize the value of their lives, they constantly sought to burn up their lives for a moment of splendor and beauty. After that, they would wait for their lives to end without any regrets. This belief was nurtured in their bloodline, yet it was this belief that almost ended their bloodline. They were supposed to wither overnight like the sakura blossoms they admired, but they probably didn't expect there to be one flower that didn't want to leave its branch, or that this flower would leave behind a lonely seed... I never met my parents and don't know why my mother left me at the door of the Sakae Family famed for its kendo prowess.
Later, I took the initiative to join Illumina... As my name suggests, I hope that my short life will shine with a brilliance that does my name justice.