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Blast from the Past

Blast from the Past
A classic discontinued Illumina Military Academy uniform. The windbreaker coat and bodysuit allow Hiiro to adapt to different temperatures and environments during her patrols. Finding the pants to be too loose, Hiiro utilized leather attachments to make them fit better, allowing her to deal with all kinds of emergencies at any given time. The red scarf wrapped around her arm represents her unwavering will from when this uniform was issued.
Assistant Models:

Ephemeral Petals Over Ashes

Ephemeral Petals Over Ashes
At Granny's behest, Hiiro returns to Cloud Island once more to investigate a disturbance of the mountain god's barrier. Before her last departure, Granny presented her with a beautiful outfit, the traditional garments of the Sakura Family. Hiiro decides to wear these clothes for the very first time, wishing to thank Granny for her countless years of hard work, and finally returns to her hometown with you.
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