Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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Yutaka Aoyama

Tap on the Colossus Room

Whatever happens, I will protect Lumopolis, because she's part of my family.

A good defender hides his forces from the enemy. This is the strategy of the Illumina Federation—to defend and counterattack.

White Night up high.

The Eclipse is a dreadful adversary, but it will ultimately fall before the might of Lumopolis.

Carleen needs to work harder if she is to be taken under my wing. This is her destiny.

Istvan should know I'm watching him, too... That makes the two of us.

Order is the cornerstone of civilization, and family is the basic unit here. There is no country without it.

There's nothing more foolish than pointless arguments. Timely action—this is what's convincing.

The hugeness of the Colossus... Perhaps we should set up a special place to accommodate it.

Interact with the Colossus Room

Hmm... This core is really interesting.

Change Assistant

I have no obligation to help you with this Colossus. Let it be a chance to worship, and I'll try to keep my patience.

Battle Failed

All those failures will one day become the marks of glory.


I am the commander! Why would we lose?

Unleash Chain Combos

The Sovereign's Blade!

Lumopolis! Please protect us!

Active Skill is Ready

I can take it one more time—

Enter the Formation

Go to war with me.

Aurorian Ascension I

White Night up high.

Aurorian Ascension II

You are always welcome at Lumopolis when you're in need.

Aurorian Ascension III

Lumopolis guides all beings.


Supplies, shipping, personnel deployment, visibility, route, planning... A complete mess, just as expected.

Upgrade Successful


Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

Let's spare the words... Go celebrate!

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

Lumopolis, where our beliefs are preserved, will never fall! No matter how many more Darkover Crises are upon us!

No hierarchy, no social order... How to manage this place? Through bonds and restraints? Well, let's wait and see.

Lumopolis is a nova under Aurora, an eternal harbor. You will never understand the feelings I have for her.

Experiencing the kindness and harmony of this place, I feel a little nostalgic. I miss the time of peace, the time with Joshua... when we didn't have to be constantly vigilant...

My children... If they decide to make the vow, I only hope that you can take such responsibility. Should you fail, I'll crush you.

The supreme ruler sometimes has to resort to wrath but at the same time show benevolence and virtue.

Know thyself and know thy enemy, lest you wind up as an ignorant fool. You're getting better, but you still have a long way to go.

Rediesel Wrench and Illumina are hidden dangers, but the Eclipse... I'm sorry, but there are some information I can't share with you yet.

Is this Colossus in your head? You seem to have exactly the same constitution as her. What a wicked fate that has pulled us all into this vortex of chaos...

Words are like the wind, but they can be sharp swords as well... Why resort to military force when you can defeat your enemies with the power of words?

Winners need not explain their victories, and losers shouldn't make excuses.

Sometimes the ultimate form of shrewdness is when you have to conceal it.

Let's spare the words... Go celebrate!

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

They say you can talk to it. Can I also...?

Welcome back, Colossus Master.

A person who can harness such a gargantuan being must be extraordinary.

No need to see to everything yourself. Leave it to me.

Spring Festival Voice

Let's spare the words... Go celebrate!

Obtain an Aurorian

A proper introduction is a sign of good manners—I am Duke Schwartz, the ruler of Lumopolis. We should have a lot to talk about.

Receiving a gift

Thank you for the gift. Forgive me for not returning the favor.

This... is priceless.

Receiving a preferred gift

What a precious gift... The Schwartz family accepts it.

I will pass it on to my descendants as a family treasure.

Release Active Skill

Take your epitaph!

I will shake every star!!


Let's begin!

Aurorian Trivia I

You'll probably never hear the entire story of the origin of Lumopolis, noble factions, and the secrets of the Schwartz family.

Aurorian Trivia II

I have spent my whole life trying to keep Lumopolis prosperous... Not for myself, but for the people. Believe it or not.

Aurorian Trivia III

Joshua, Carleen, and... Never mind... We're gonna miss everything if we lament on.

The Captain's Entrance

I haven't fought a battle in person for such a long time!