Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
More details here Gabriel
Firefly Keeper
When deployed to the Lumina Grid, the recovery rate of Fireflies +5% per hour.
When deployed to the Exploration Office, increases MS readings recovery rate by 10%.
Group Talks
Clover:(... This bird cage looks quite comfortable.)
Clover:(If there's a rabbit in it...)
Gabriel:Ah, why is the kid there staring at me?
Clover:Have I been exposed...
Clover:Umm... Where did your bird cage come from?
Gabriel:Ah... It's custom made.
Clover:Custom made?
Gabriel:To sleep in it comfortably!
Clover:What about rabbits?
Gabriel:Rabbits? Sleep in here too?
Gabriel:As long as it's cute, I'll allow it to sleep in here.
Gabriel:Cute kids are allowed as well!
Clover:Cute kids?
Gabriel:Ah yes! Like you.
Gabriel:So, do you want to take a nap in the bird cage?
Clover:No, I don't think I should...