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Her Experiences

A light, fluttering dress and a hairband are worn for... what reason, I wonder? With an outfit like that, if this traveler was not one of Lumopolis, perhaps she truly was a visitor from another world. And that tail of hers... It looks extremely powerful, no doubt about it. I wonder if there are Aurorians with tails like hers in that world?
She ran right up to me earlier, just to strike up a conversation. She said her name was Tohru, and talked about how she was a dragon but in human form. I can understand the dragon part—she's probably like Sharona in some way. But I really don't get what she means by "human form"... The only transformations I've ever seen were Aurorians turning into Eclipsites, but Tohru said her true form was that of a gigantic dragon and that she just transformed herself into her current form... Anyhow, Tohru is now one of our companions.

Her Story (I)

Kobayashi is much too cold to me sometimes. How could she spend all day and all night at work while having such a cute maid waiting for her at home? Overtime... Ugh, I hate it! It's the reason Miss Kobayashi always comes home so late! What's that? You have overtime in this world, too? I see... Then it's up to me to create a world without overtime! A world where Miss Kobayashi will never have to work late ever again!
Phew, finally some peace and quiet. Sorry to freak you out. Kobayashi should be on the way home from work right now. Let me go make dinner for her. It's okay, I'll be back in a minute or two.

Her Story (II)

You wonder why Lilliam and I are so different, even though we're both maids...? Isn't it obvious? It's because I serve only Miss Kobayashi, my master, my one true love! And when it comes to love and dedication, no one is more loving or dedicated than me! Someone once told me, "A person doesn't become a maid just by putting on a uniform. Instead, a true maid can turn anything she wears into her uniform. In other words... what only matters to one maid's attire is not the appearance but the testament of her subservient spirit!"
Does that make sense to you? Hmm, this lady here still looks pretty unconvinced. Why don't we put our honor as maids on the line and make a bet? If you lose... then the Navigator must dress as a maid for a week! How's that sound?

Her Story (III)

Now that I think about it, this world doesn't seem to have very decent cooking ingredients. I was flying around looking for some earlier and saw a vehicle tearing through the desert below. The driver, a man with black hair, told me to stop and asked me if I knew Vice. He even dragged me closer, saying he wanted to witness the power of the other world... So I sent him flying into a dune with a swing of my tail! He was a nice guy, though, and he even gave me this mysterious powder as a gift. He told me it was a protein-packed powder made from creatures called "sandworms"... By any means, I will NEVER let Miss Kobayashi eat something as suspicious as this! I guess I'll have to try feeding her my...
Tail! Yes, I said my tail! Is it really so hard to understand? If you really like someone, the best way to show your affection is to cook the person a meal using your tail! Just don't forget to clean it well and get all the poison out. You wouldn't want to hurt the person you love, right?

Her Story (IV)

Every morning, I wake up and prepare breakfast for Miss Kobayashi. After she leaves for work, I clean the house and do the laundry. In the afternoon, I go to the street market to buy ingredients for dinner, and passingly take a peek at Miss Kobayashi while she's at work. Around 4 P.M. or so, I go back home and start making dinner, which Miss Kobayashi and I will eat once she returns from work. That was more or less my ordinary but happy daily life, back in that world. When the time is right, I'll take you to see where Kobayashi lives.