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Unit Analysis by Team BethelFrankel


Sanity-based Sniper that can nuke just about anything with support.



(SS (N))


+Some of the highest single-tile DPR in the game. Easily SS tier in 1x1 content, and scales well into 2x2

+Absolutely absurd damage if built around (~200,000

+damage on a 0 CD Active)

+Sanity allows for unrivaled play flexibility

+10% DEF debuff to enemies and 2 stacks of poison for free due to sanity

+Desolation Codex God


-Still loses to Fire’s best Detonators (i.e. Hati) in 2x2 content

-Play variance is extremely high; timing your triggers and managing Sanity and HP is rather brain intensive

-Loses value in longer stages


Giles was the first of a batch of single-target snipers whose performance is so ridiculous they end up competing with detonators on 2x2 content. Like Vice:KS and Minos, Giles comes with his own caveats — he requires proper sanity and HP management to nuke on the final turn, and he loses value on longer stages or DoT immune enemies. However, his performance is so strong that even on a bad day he only really loses to Fire’s top brass — Hati, Victoria, a team-supported Lilica, and Mia. The ability to frontload that damage is also extremely useful; the fact that you can nuke to end stages quicker arguably pushes him into SS-tier.

Correct management of Sanity is key to maximizing his potential — you generally want to be at 55 Sanity (i.e. 2-3 casts of your active) until your final turns, when you can spend all your remaining Sanity for a last-ditch burst by casting his active 2-3 times using mobs and/or mirages. The reward is numbers that simply shouldn't be in the game; it's possible to break into the millions of damage, even outside of Desolation Codex.