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Yuki Kaji

Tap on the Colossus Room

Some members of the True Order can actually understand some of my nursery rhymes. This much cannot be said of other places.

Lumopolis... Lumopolis?! Cold... Care! Disdain... I want to go! No, I'll never go back there! Never!

May the Truth bless you.

Eclipsites and we are drawn towards each other like two magnets... It's our fate to find and destroy each other. Hahahahah!

Nobody knows me better than Victoria. Ooh, yes yes yes! I must write a new nursery rhyme for her!

Faust is always smiling but honestly I don't think he understands my nursery rhymes at all.

Hmm? Do you really need to ask this question? I like nursery rhymes. What else? ... Sleeping, I guess.

Those who refuse to listen to my nursery rhymes are the worst... Hey, you wouldn't be one of them, would you?

Yawn...Colossus? A moving bed... Bet I can have a good nap here. Yawn...

Interact with the Colossus Room

I smile at him, but he doesn't smile back. The reflection on this glass is quite amusing.

Change Assistant

Hmm? Is there meat to eat here? Anything but lamb... Nothing?

Battle Failed

Boring... Boring, boring, boring!


Can I go back to bed?

Unleash Chain Combos

Magma Blast!

Devour it all, Magma!

Active Skill is Ready

Remember to wake me, okay?

Enter the Formation

Hmm? Will this be over soon?

Aurorian Ascension I

Yes! I just came up with a another nursery rhyme!

Aurorian Ascension II

A magical feeling!

Aurorian Ascension III

I cannot contain... this power!


"Tick tock, there goes time. Splish splash, smash a screen. At the end of the big screen stands the Navigator. And who is it that stands behind the Navigator?"

Upgrade Successful

Come and see! Hahahah!

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars...

New Year is sweet. New Year is wonderful. A new year needs new nursery rhymes! Yippee!

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

"A ram by the name of Isaac with burning wool as black as night..." Hey! Are you listening at all? I writing this new nursery rhyme to warn troublemakers off.

Do you know those kids in Lumopolis? What was their name again? Kitten? Meow? No! Not that... Anyway, I better not run into them again, or I'll make them sing my nursery rhymes!

What do a raven and a desk have in common... You don't know the answer either? Ah... what is it? Why don't I know? Why why why why why why? My head is pounding and pounding, it hurts!

Yawn... I feel so sleepy lately. I must be growing... Yes, I'll be taller than the Navigator...

The ram's horn can no longer contain its growing power. Through its red eyes, I have seen through all the world's lies!

The sharp horn tears open the evening curtain. Burning hot magma flows down the shattered land. In the deep recesses of my mind is a seed of Truth!

It seems that you like Isaac a lot. But sorry, Issac saved my life and I won't let him go! Hmm? You weren't going to take him?

"One plus one equals two. You and I together are greater than two." This riddle has many answers. Come on. Give me one at least.

I'm fine, I just suddenly felt inspired! Inspired to write a new nursery rhyme! Inspiration? Yes! And it all came from you, bless you, Navigator.

I have nothing but nursery rhymes... My nursery rhymes make me rich! Ah hahahahah!

Baaa, baaa! Why are you looking at me like that? This is Isaac's language. To show your respect to Isaac, baa after me.

"I'm not a freak!" *Panting* Another nightmare. I hope I didn't scare you. Yawn... I need to sleep more.

New Year is sweet. New Year is wonderful. A new year needs new nursery rhymes! Yippee!

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

What are you busy with every day? Boring... Yawn... You should listen to me singing nursery rhymes instead!

Yawn... Mmm, sleeping is so comfortable... There's not much happening today. I shall sleep a little more.

Tada! It is time for dinner, I've been much anticipating this hour! Are we eating meat tonight, or meat?

How could someone not be sleeping at this hour when it's the perfect time to? Yawn... Never mind. I didn't see anything.

Spring Festival Voice

New Year is sweet. New Year is wonderful. A new year needs new nursery rhymes! Yippee!

Obtain an Aurorian

Oh, it's you, Navigator. Yawn... Wait! You must've come all the way here for my nursery rhymes, right? Right, right, right?

Receiving a gift

Yawn... Hmm, I'll take it.

Hmm? Sure, I'll take it.

Receiving a preferred gift

Woo-hoo! Thank you!

This is so, so, so, so awesome!

Release Active Skill

Isaac, let's go!

I'll teach you a lesson!


I slept already.

Aurorian Trivia I

In my opinion, people with no purpose in their lives are too strange. Shouldn't the meaning of life be destined at birth?

Aurorian Trivia II

That person promised me an adventure. It was my first ever trip... Ahhhh! But he pushed me. Fallen? Disgrace! Disgrace!

Aurorian Trivia III

Leading a nomadic life isn't too bad, but Victoria provides me a very comfortable bed!

The Captain's Entrance

Captain? Hahahah. So everyone will listen to me!