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Her Experiences

Vice was the very first Aurorian I laid my eyes on. I knew nothing about her at that time, and I'm sure I was a mystery to her as well. But despite that, we were able to work really well together. It's her encouragement and support that have kept me going on my adventures through Astra.
Yep, we've really journeyed together for quite some time now. Sometimes, she knows what I want to say before I utter a single word, and I can always predict where she is at any time of day... I've grown so used to Vice rattling on about our finances that the thought of her not being by my side has never graced my mind.
Luckily, fate didn't take her from me. On the contrary, she woke up with new powers that I'm not a stranger to. However, Vice's eyes have since become more profound, with a hint of worry lingering within them. All of a sudden, I'm remembering that when we first met, Vice told me this: "We, in fact, are similar in some ways."

Her Story (I)

Phew... It hasn't been that long, yet it feels like a lifetime has gone by. I can hardly recognize any of the rooms in the Colossus... I still recall when I first boarded Soroz, I was genuinely fascinated by its size and structure. However, the Colossus back then was exceptionally clean, yet it was missing some decent furnishings, not to mention interesting decorations. Now, not only do we have unique furniture, but we also have many exuberant plants... Each item has its own story. Ah! For instance, it took %s and me three days to decide how to place the recliner chair in the lounge. I only won the debate because %s fell asleep, exhausted. Hahaha! I still find it hilarious.

Her Story (II)

Apart from me, new faces often appear on the Colossus from time to time. We all come from different walks of life and have different beliefs, but we're still able to live harmoniously together on the Colossus.
Um... There are, of course, times when people fight and the Colossus usually bears the brunt of those ordeals. When that happens, %s may seem angry on the surface as he complains about how boorish everyone is, but in the end he always tolerates everyone's willfulness. I guess that's probably why we all love visiting the Colossus.
You know, I suddenly realize something... Having been trained in Illumina's "Project: Navigator" program, I've made numerous plans for the Colossus. However, in the end, %s is the one who makes the Colossus the warm and inviting place it is.
All right, then. I'll move the chair in the lounge in the way %s suggested later.

Her Story (III)

Lately I've been pondering how fascinating the concept of memories is. If I forget something, does that then mean I haven't experienced it at all?
I've digressed, I hope %s doesn't mind my babbling. I'm just kidding! Actually, I've been meaning to share some things about myself with %s. Certain things that disappeared from my memories long ago, that have been springing back up to the surface lately like mushrooms after rainfall. As such, I can no longer ignore them...
Do you remember me mentioning that I once took part in an Illumina program called Project: Navigator? Guess what, it was actually an experiment to see if I could establish a link with the Colossi. I still remember the earnest gazes of the people around me right before the experiment began. Their faith gave me an early taste of the glory bestowed upon an Illumina hero. Perhaps it was my complacency in that moment that led me to my inevitable failure.

Her Story (IV)

Numerous details have begun to be filled with colors... Yellow is when the Colossus went out of control, and red is when the lab staff fell into disarray... Subsequently, it turns into white, like that of the hospital. Then, it becomes grey as hope in everyone's eyes gradually extinguished. That silent memory is awash with this misty grey.
I hear that people tend to choose their memories. In other words, I initially assumed that I chose to forget this memory because it either was not important to me or it would bring me pain. On the other hand, if I regain this memory, does that mean it will start affecting me somehow? I really don't know.
Of course, these things may not be important to %s, but... do you still remember? We're friends, so I'm willing to share this with you. I hope you believe that I am Vice, the same person I have always been.