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Tomori Kusunoki

Tap on the Colossus Room

Illumina probably has secrets I'm unaware of, but I can guarantee you there are no conspiracies. Such a thing would never happen in Illumina!

I used to think the Rediesel Wrench was just a bunch of desperados. Now I know they're actually nice people.

Splendor Illumina!

I don't particularly enjoy slaughter, but there's no other way to deal with Eclipsites.

He's not a good fighter, but he's very smart, courageous, and hardworking... What's that? Oh, I'm just introducing a... good friend of mine.

Carleen has always been so intelligent, calm, and mature, but I've come to realize lately that she's just been intentionally concealing her childish side.

White dawn flowers, pink cherry blossoms, seaside smoothies and honey cakes in the snow... There are so many more things I like now.

Things I couldn't stand in the past now don't seem that bad anymore... Does this mean I've matured?

Soroz is starting to feel like home. Hehe, I can't be the only one feeling that way, right?

Interact with the Colossus Room

Hmm, let me check the to-do list... Colossus maintenance, grocery shopping, daily planning... Yep, another busy day!

Change Assistant

Of course I can help, but there's nothing to fix here... You mean I should take a break here?

Battle Failed

It's okay, we'll get another chance!


A textbook-perfect battle!

Unleash Chain Combos

One shot is all I need!

Strike, ice arrow!

Active Skill is Ready

Send me!

Enter the Formation

I'll work even harder!

Aurorian Ascension I

Work harder, go further!

Aurorian Ascension II

The future will reward us for today's decision!

Aurorian Ascension III

My sealed potential has finally been unleashed!


Okay, enough rest for me. I know it's for my own good, but we've got to get to work now, alright?

Upgrade Successful

An even icier, cold strength!

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars!

Another year has begun. Let's keep striving together!

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

Hehe... Oh, it's nothing. I just remembered how I mistook you for some weird ghost when we first met... Geez, I didn't realize that was so long ago.

Do you think I'm... different? Honestly, I often startle myself when I look in the mirror, but I also feel full of energy. That's a good thing for us, right? Yeah, I said us!

Peace didn't last in Astra. We're being pulled into a maelstrom as we speak. Don't worry, Navigator, I'll always be by your side!

Sometimes it seems that the more I know, the more I don't... Geez, what am I rambling about? Gues I'm becoming more like you!

Since I got stronger, doesn't this mean my cooking should've improved as well? So, Navigator, what would you like to eat? Just name it!

Unlike Eclipsites, we pursue power to protect those who need us. I have faith in myself, so please, have faith in me as well!

To my surprise, the dark suits me... I'm talking about clothing! Which one looks better on me, black or white?

I've been practicing an instrument lately. What else? The piano, of course! Shall we play a duet together?

I probably have changed. I've become greedier because I have more people to protect now, including you. So, I'm fine with this kind of greed.

Thorough planning and diligent training always pays off! So, when do you plan on handing me your next month's agenda?

A holiday? Ahem. Well, that's not entirely impossible. I'm looking forward to some fun myself, but we have to wrap up a few more tasks first. Let me go sort out our budget right now!

Done with your planning? What's that? You made one for the Colossus but not for Eraveil? Don't neglect your duties, Navigator!

Another year has begun. Let's keep striving together!

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Don't work too hard. Sometimes you just gotta let go. It's important to strike a proper balance between work and play.

Morning! This is today's agenda. Please sign off on it, Navigator!

Phew, it's finally over! You're still working? Anything I can help with?

Still up? Have you maybe found yourself in a pickle? Don't worry, let me help you.

Spring Festival Voice

Another year has begun. Let's keep striving together!

Obtain an Aurorian

Why are you looking at me like that? Have I changed that much? Don't worry, I'm the same Vice, I promise!

Receiving a gift

Hey, a gift from an old partner!

You don't have to be so generous!

Receiving a preferred gift

Where did you get this? Thank you so much!

Wow, I've always wanted this... Thanks!

Release Active Skill

Now is the time! Take that!

Soon it will be over!


No time to waste!

Aurorian Trivia I

If I hadn't saved you from underground back then, I probably wouldn't be here now... We make a great duo, don't you think?

Aurorian Trivia II

Those memories had disappeared into the deep chasm of my mind... But now they've suddenly resurfaced, coming back into focus. My mind is blank and there's a buzzing in my ears... I can't believe I once lived like that.

Aurorian Trivia III

Our adventures in Astra have been a thrill! But I never doubted we could overcome the hardships and perils. I'd love to see more of this world with you, if I may.

The Captain's Entrance

As always, you lead!