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Her Experiences

To tell the truth, the day Axelia arrived on the Colossus is a day most of us won't forget. After all the Fireflies tried to move that stasis chamber to no avail, the door suddenly opened up... and out came three little flying robots. The Cubes, as they're called, then proceeded to lift their master out of the chamber. Axelia took a look around, then greeted %s and I in an almost eerily-calm voice. How should I describe her? Well... when we aren't fighting Eclipsites, it feels as though Axelia doesn't even exist on the Colossus. I'm not a fan of describing a girl like this, but I really don't know how else to put it. What I mean is, whenever we're getting ready for battle, Axelia becomes a completely different person. When that happens, everyone suddenly acknowledges her by her title: the Combat Cyborg.

Her Story (I)

You want to know more about the Phospherus Program? As a Child of Illumina, I'm quite familiar with the subject. I was one of thousands of subjects chosen for the project. My life's purpose was to be monitored, recorded, and implanted with all kinds of devices. That is what I was taught from my "father" at the time. Any excess physical or psychological senses had no value in his eyes. Pain, happiness, sorrow, love... All were unnecessary for the project's success. It wasn't until I was successfully implanted with the experimental devices that Father finally acknowledged me, which is why I am standing before you today.

Her Story (II)

Then came the days in the Illumina orphanage. Father changed, and so did the environment around me. I began to learn language through combat orders and experienced different flavors through the nutritional supplements I was given. To most people, I was nothing more than a freak experiment; even the Science Council believed I was far too different from everyone else. For this reason, they searched for an instructor to teach me how to be "normal." However, this instructor was quickly dismissed by my father, who kindly encouraged me to continue being the way I was. In his words, "Every genius has to be lacking in some way, shape, or form." Whether or not his words were true, I was still willing to put my trust in him. After all, he was the one who brought me back from the dead.

Her Story (III)

Yingel and Sean were my close companions at the time. As kind-hearted as they were, however, they were still powerless to save me when everything went wrong that day. After being defeated in a battle simulation, my body began to reject the devices implanted within violently... As though all of the device rejections that should have happened over the course of ten years suddenly happened all at once. Blue-colored blood spots began to appear all over my body, and even the smallest injuries felt like mortal wounds. Ulysses was the one who ultimately repaired me, but only after locking himself in the laboratory with me for two weeks and working around the clock to save me. My prosthetic eye, my bandages, the Cubes, and the stasis chamber... Ever since then, all of these have become a part of my everyday life. And Ulysses... He's my "father."

Her Story (IV)

After Yingel, Sean, and I "graduated" from the project... That was when the long wait began. As my father's most prized experiment, he spent days perfecting, testing, and improving upon his work. In the meantime, all we could do was wait... Which is something I've long since grown accustomed to. Axelia, the Combat Cyborg, was created for the sake of Illumina, the Science Council, and my father, Ulysses. He always tells me that life is precious and that I was created to fight and protect the lives of Illumina's citizens... You look somewhat concerned, %s. I understand that you are not fond of conflict, but I came to a certain realization long ago: Without conflict, my life would have no meaning.