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Misaki Kuno

Tap on the Colossus Room

I am a child of the whole of Illumina. To serve Illumina is my purpose.

A city floating in the sky? That sounds somewhat different from what Sean's terminal describes. You'll have to take me there so I can verify it.

Splendor Illumina.

Fighting Eclipsites is just a routine process, since the outcome is always the same.

Yingel's personality is not unlike my father's, but I know that Yingel is capable of feeling a plethora of emotions.

Sean is different than me. Perhaps being stationed in a war zone will bring out his full power?

Please give me more pop rocks as my reward for achieving victory.

Sorry, it's harder for me to lift my spirits when it's raining. My legs feel so much heavier.

You spent seventeen years sleeping in here? I see... So the Colossus is actually just an enormous stasis chamber.

Interact with the Colossus Room

Beginning sentry duty... No danger detected in the area.

Change Assistant

Please enjoy working on your current task, Navigator. You can leave urgent matters like special training and shift duty to me.

Battle Failed

*Coughs* An unprecedented experience...


Victory was the only possible outcome.

Unleash Chain Combos

I'll protect everyone.

It's not over yet.

Active Skill is Ready

Axelia, on standby.

Enter the Formation

As you command.

Aurorian Ascension I

Simple training, nothing more.

Aurorian Ascension II

With practice comes power.

Aurorian Ascension III

Please test my strength in real combat.


Phew... I understand. My job now is to regain my strength.

Upgrade Successful

I completely understand now.

Voice Login

Alchemy Stars.

Yawn... Happy New Year.

Interactive Dialogs on the Main Screen

I see you're staring, Navigator. They don't hurt. These bandages and prosthetics are necessary equipment for a combat cyborg and not the result of being wounded in battle.

The sensation of pop rocks crackling in my mouth is quite exhilarating. I presume this is what you mean when you talk about "feelings," Navigator.

The only enemy I can never defeat is this overwhelming drowsiness... But like Yingel always says, "Fight hard, rest hard." Yawn...

My leg joints may creak as though they need oil, but once I infuse them with my Luminatics, I can leap across huge distances as though they were powerful springs.

The Cubes are just as important to me as the Fireflies are to you, Navigator. Do you understand?

The one with clock gears on its back is "01," the one with wings is "10," and the one with a halo around its head is "11." It's actually quite easy to tell the Cubes apart, don't you think?

I understand that training must be cruel sometimes, as disqualification and even death are inevitable results of defeat. But these things will never happen as long as I am on the battlefield.

Hello, Navigator... It appears you didn't hear me. In that case... CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?

Can you help me take a look at something? It appears my bandages have gotten caught in my leg joints...

I detect that you are currently taking a break. Please join me in the simulator for training so that we can experience the thrill of battle.

You say you wish to teach my Cubes how to play music? But I don't believe we can find the right equipment to do so in Illumina... Pardon? You want to use the control panel on the Colossus to teach them? I see.

I am easily exhausted, but a brief rest in my stasis chamber is all I need to regain my strength. Just give me a bit more time, please.

Yawn... Happy New Year.

Welcoming Dialogs on the Main Screen

Thank goodness you're still alive and in good health... Hmm? Did something I say disturb you?

The scent of rain hangs in the air, and seven Fireflies just flew by... What I mean is, good morning.

Have you noticed something unique about my skin? When the sun goes down, my entire body begins to glow with a faint light.

Can't sleep? You're welcome to try sleeping in my stasis chamber... But I don't think both of us will fit inside.

Spring Festival Voice

Yawn... Happy New Year.

Obtain an Aurorian

Combat Cyborg Axelia, reporting for duty. If fighting is your last remaining option, allow me to serve as your most powerful weapon.

Receiving a gift

Please set it down over there.

Put this away nicely, Cubes.

Receiving a preferred gift

Is this how one establishes good relations?

I'll take good care of this.

Release Active Skill

Sorry for the delay.

Leave it to me.


Three... Two... One...

Aurorian Trivia I

It was the Phospherus Program that gave me my understanding of the world. As for my "real parents"... Sorry, but I have no memory files on them.

Aurorian Trivia II

When my skin tore apart, I experienced death in its truest form. In my opinion, the ones who give me life are my parents, regardless of how many times I've been reborn.

Aurorian Trivia III

The Cubes were given to me by Algol as a gift. Not only do they help me in my everyday life, they also assist me in battle.

The Captain's Entrance

Just like in training.