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Her Experiences

Hati is so cute!
The first time I saw her in the hallway of the Colossus, she was walking toward me with a "bug off!" aura. I bulked at saying hello, not knowing if that would draw her ire, only for her to charge over and stare at my tail, then did something unthinkable—she started wagging her tail and gestured for me to do the same! Come on, we were in the hallway, anyone could've walked by and seen us... I mean, I got an image to uphold, you know! But I was wagging it with a big smile on my face before I even realized it. Well, never mind then. It was fun wagging our tails!

Her Story (I)

Fire! Run! We got a fire... What are you doing here? I was yelling? Ah, my head hurts... I just had a nightmare about a huge fire with thick smoke everywhere and I couldn't see anything... Nah, I get that kind of dream quite often. I'm used to it now. Hey, why is my pendant box in your hand? What are you trying to do?! I dropped it on the ground in my sleep...? Sorry for hurting you, but the box is very dear to me, probably like what the Colossus is to you. It's the last thing my mother gave to me and the only memento from my father... I never met my father. He passed away before I was born. But I know he was a great man, a real man who loved my mom and our family.

Her Story (II)

What were you playing with Vice? Card flip? Hmm, I think I saw it in picture books before, where many kids were playing the game and laughing out loud. It left a deep impression on me. I wished I could play it with friends at that stage of my life, but my mother and I moved often, and she never let me go outside and meet anyone, so I could never make any friends... Are you going to teach me how to play? I can give it a try, though I've never played any popular children's game before and thus don't know a thing about it. I'd be more confident if it was a word puzzle. The picture books and newspaper I read usually have puzzles in them, and that's my favorite leisure activity.

Her Story (III)

In my memory, mother was always stressed and busy. I craved more attention from her back then, and that actually got me in a lot of trouble. Looking back, I was a problem child and surely not a favorite of any grown-ups... Nah, no need to console, I'm not that fragile now—I'm a resilient adult myself. What? Grimme is my legal guardian? I need no guardian, I can make my own decisions and take responsibility for what I do. Besides, Grimme is only a few years older than me and just a bit more experienced with the world so not one to talk! I'll probably have to protect them when we run into trouble. What, you said you're more experienced with the world than I am too? Got it. I'll protect you when we run into trouble.

Her Story (IV)

I say, don't get too close to me. You might get burned if I happened to light something on fire. I'd lose control and often set things in the house on fire when I was young. Even though I got better, you should still keep your distance just in case. I'm used to going alone now. No one wants to be friends with me, maybe because of how weird I look. The kids in the orphanage avoided me all the time, and the closest contact I had was when some of them were mocking me. It's all right, I'm cool with it and it's all in the past, not that I minded all that much back then, anyway. I knew I'm far more powerful than those bullies, so I never thought about retribution. I'd never hurt anyone voluntarily, but fate seemed to never leave me alone, for my life has been full of unexpected fire, misunderstanding, and even false accusations... I'm not complaining, mind you. I just want to say if fate wouldn't leave me alone, I'll make it go away.