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The Curtain Rises

The 1590s was the age of liberated minds. Inspired by the Renaissance and encouraged by the rise of humanism, people living under the reign of Elizabeth I no longer worried about filling their bellies, but grew thirsty for better art.
It was also the prime of European theatre. Shakespeare was the people's favourite, but the others were no less popular. At that time, Shakespeare was famous for his romantic comedies, such as A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Merchant of Venice. People watched them, talked about them, wrote and sang about them ...
More and more people jumped on the bandwagon.

A Weaver? An Actor?

He is an outstanding weaver.
Building frames, weaving fabrics, repairing woodwork... He receives requests from the villagers constantly and he knows every saw, needle and thread he uses like the back of his hand. The tools move nimbly in his hands like fluttering butterflies.
He plans to stick to this job till the last day of his life.

He is also an excellent actor.
Finding the right roles, memorizing lines, adjusting his performance at rehearsals ... As lengthy and arduous as it sounds, an opportunity to be part of a play does not come often. It was his first time playing a donkey, surrounded by Peaseblossom, Cobweb and Mustardseed. He danced with the fairy queen to her song.
He also plans on acting till the last day of his life.

His Play Is On Forever

Pandora Wilson: Mr. Bottom, have such ... great changes made anything different in your life?
Nick Bottom: I don't see any difference! Well, I didn't like carrots before, but they're my favorite now. You can try some!
Pandora Wilson: You are optimistic.

Pandora Wilson: You have been a dedicated actor, even as ... an ass.
Nick Bottom: Thank you for your appreciation. I will keep it up.
Pandora Wilson: Is the photo frame a prop in the play?
Nick Bottom: Aye, it can help me focus.