Development and updates on this website have come to an end. There won't be any more update in the foreseeable future.
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First Encounter

Good day! My name is Nick Bottom, the weaver in town.I've also acted in dramas. Let me play the lion. Let me play the hero ... Ahaha, yes, yes, now I will but make an ass!

Suitcase Climate

A foggy day ... Does it also come from her magic?

To the Future

All shall be well, haha, Jack shall have Jill.


Oh oh! It's alright. I am very good at entertaining myself.


Heh heh, at your service.


Planer, saw, needle and thread. It's a new day!

Bond: Morning

What a pity! No one would live in a dream forever. I am willing to pay everything to come back the midsummer night.


Birds have all returned. Only Bottom is still wandering, here and there.

Bond: Night

What are these? I gathered the rosemary and parsley from the forest. I wish there is a chance to send them tonight.

Hat and Hair

I can make costumes. Dukes and ladies, goats and birds, everyone needs masks! Do you need it too?

Sleeves and Hands

... What do you want? A table, chair, clothes or a statue, I can make it with these hands and give it to you.

Clothing and Torso

If I become a complete ass, would that be better than now?


Yeah, yeah, I am very grateful for the drama. I will play this role until ... until which day?


You are not frightened by my ass head. You are much better than my friends!


Although I'm but a weaver, as long as you want anything, I will try my best to find it.

Chitchat Ⅰ

In addition to my job, I'm also good at spinning around. Yes, donkey work. I'm best at this kind of useless work, just like love.

Chitchat Ⅱ

What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet.


I don't know plays. I'm but a rugged craftsman ... But who knows? No one. Each one of us is in the play.


Cobweb, Peaseblossom, Mustardseed ... Good masters are all here.


Hail! Wonderful summer night!

Select Incantation Ⅰ

*donkey's braying*

Select Incantation Ⅱ

Just as easy as dealing with wood and cloth.

Select 3-star Incantation

Aye, aye!

Select Ultimate

It's a dream I shall never forget.

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅰ

Flowers are always fresh and fragrant ...

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅰ

Thorough bush!

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅱ

Titania ...

Cast Arcane Skill Ⅱ

Thorough brier!

Summon Ultimate

One Two Three. Fall asleep with me.

Incoming Ⅰ

Well ...

Incoming Ⅱ

Oh, no –

Battle Victory

This is a perfect ending!


Rounds after rounds, the wheat in the mill will be crushed in the round. Days after days, she will come to me one day.

Bottom of Insight

My steps are more brisker!