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Lord Protector

The Lord Protector was averse to all pleasures. This included music, banquets, festivals ... plays were no exception.
These were all sins and not permitted. Everybody should live like puritans.
The pipe organ was dismantled, along with other decorations. Singers were beheaded, writers' pens were broken, liquor was poured down the drain and delicacies were thrown into the bins.

"It's a sin and should not be allowed."
That's what they said.
"It is indeed a sin and should not be allowed."
The people followed the tyrant and repeated it woodenly.

To be or not to be? That is a question.
To die with a smile or to live in tears? That is another question.

Act 3 Scene 2

The Fool
The Fool: (Male bawling)
The Fool: (Female) Oh, why dost thou cry so, my friend?
The Fool: (Male) I am crying for the birth of my child.
The Fool: (Female) A birth? Should thou not be rejoicing over the birth of a person?
The Fool: (Male) When she was born, she was desolate about entering this stage filled with fools and started bawling. I decided to cry with her because I'd already been acting on this stage with these fools for my entire life.
The Fool: (Female) Fools? There might be fools in this world, but thou seem most like one now.
The Fool: (Male) I'm not a fool, but I know they are.
The Fool: (Female) Who art thou referring to?
The Fool: (Male) Some people... they're the real fools. They suppress the desires of others to satisfy their own. They're the real fools.

Laugh to Live

The Fool: Me? Are you sure you want to interview me? Not the lead or anyone else?
Pandora Wilson: I will interview them.
The Fool: Right ... I really don't understand you magazine editors. (Female) It's similar to how bats in caves can never understand what tuna think.

Pandora Wilson: What do you think of the current head, Charlie?
The Fool: Mankind is such a marvelous masterpiece! They possess such noble rationality, mighty strength, elegant bearings and graceful manners!
Pandora Wilson: It sounds like you almost ... revere Charlie?
The Fool: (Female) And Master Charlie is the exact opposite of that.
Pandora Wilson: ... That's a good joke.
The Fool: Not entirely, my lady, not entirely. Just like the world.
The Fool: (Female) I think this world is also a joke, but within this joke, there is something that isn't quite a joke. (Male) (Horselaugh) But it wouldn't be funny anymore if I were to say it out loud, would it?